Shipping Information


We ship all orders from our warehouse via standard shipping to the continental USA.
Items shipped to the continental USA will be delivered between 7-10 business days base on the shipping method which you choose .

Handling Time: Up to 7 Business Days

Shipping/ Delivery: Up To 5 to 7 Business days 

Contact us at 

When your order ships, you’ll get an email with a tracking link. Tracking information can take 24-72 hours to update.

Cancellation Policy:

Any cancellation or reschedule made less than 1 hours will result in a 10% cancellation fee. Please contact us at or 910-915-5748. Please feel free to leave a text message if there is no response. Our text team usually respond quickly.We will do everything to accommodate your request. We don't accept any changes or cancellations after the hour of the purchase made. No exceptions. Orders are processed from our warehouse immediately after the purchase is made. 

Shipping Rates:

Standard shipping fee will apply for all orders in the USA.


You are welcome to return every purchase within 30 days if not open,  and the cost of the product fee will be refunded partially. (Not cover the shipping fee). We will charge 20% of the order as the restocking fee.

If the product you return is broken, we will be unable to issue the refund.